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First In Math® is practice made perfect.

February 11, 2019 Natasha Husein

Success in Math requires practice. First In Math is a proven math-practice tool that leverages students’ love of online gaming to build math skills and create high levels of engagement. Students choose from more than 200 meaningful math activities they can relate to. Each member of your classroom “Team” can play games that are difficult enough to hold their interest but not so difficult that they give up in frustration. Our K-8 games reinforce a range of proficiencies—from simple addition to complex algebra—while skill-appropriate goals keep students energized to “level up” and sustain accelerated effort over time. In this environment, students practice willingly, the way they do for sports!

More time to teach
Reducing the time you spend practicing and reviewing math facts each day gives you more time for instruction. At home or in class, students use FIM to strengthen fact fluency, automaticity, computational thinking and other skills vital to math success like communication, collaboration, self-monitoring, goal-setting, adaptability and persistence. FIM reaches ALL students—from intervention to gifted and across every demographic—and students can enter the program at any level!

Assess skill level and improvement in real-time
Meaningful assessment is available to all educators—from teachers through top-level admin. Choose custom views, save data into spreadsheets.

Where to begin (Focus Modules)

  1. Have your class (Team) log in to and use the JUST THE FACTS Pre-/Post-Test module to create baseline data
  2. Students build fluencies in one of four Fact modules: GYMS – VIFs – Skill Sets – Know & Show
  3. Use assessment data to monitor progress & measure growth
  4. Set Goals, target activity to achieve mastery

Call 800-242-4542 for more information or arrange a personalized Go-To-Meeting.

Install First in Math today!

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