Back to School resources for application partners
Back to School Partner Product Talk
Watch our 30-minute Back to School partner product talk from Thursday, June 20 where shared the product updates, strategies and tools to help your teams make Back to School a smooth experience for your customers.

Top actions for an effective Back to School:
Clever Academy
Get your teams and seasonal support staff trained on how Clever works for you and your districts, data sharing, troubleshooting, and ongoing support.

Trainings to share with your districts
Share these top training resources from Clever Academy to help districts get set up with Clever.
Custom PD Guide: Customize this guide to help your districts understand how to access your application through Clever.
Setting up your Dashboard: This course will help district administrators quickly set up the basics of their Clever Dashboard.
Setting up your Portal: This course will help district administrators set up the Clever Portal and introduce it to teachers.
Troubleshoot sharing tool: The mini-course shows district administrators how to troubleshoot teacher and student sharing rules.
Troubleshooting tips: This course provides an overview of how to conquer Clever’s most frequently asked technical questions.
Clever Academy: This one-pager for District Admins includes three training options to get teachers set up on Clever.