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Clever product updates

December 2016 product release notes

December 13, 2016 Cat Kamireddy

Seasons greetings from the Clever team! As school sessions wrap up for this semester, we have a few updates for our users to check out during break:


The Clever Portal, now with universal SSO


In case you missed it, Clever now supports single sign-on for all applications—even if it’s a custom district tool or an application that doesn’t roster with us yet. And districts can immediately add their applications today! Read our full announcement here.


Join the Clever community


We launched a community for users to talk with each other and discuss all things Clever! Log in with your Clever credentials to share your best practices or leave helpful product feedback.


District profiles for applications


Applications have new profile pages for each of their Clever-enabled districts. Each page has an organized view of the district, their sync status, any data warnings—and our new user search (see below). Have an application account? Log in to the dashboard and click on a district’s name in the District Overview list.


User search for applications (beta)dec-13-2016-22-07-48

We released our user search functionality in beta to all applications on Clever. Users with an application account can now search for a student or teacher by their name, email, or ID—making it easier than ever to resolve any issues that might pop up. Use it in your dashboard.


Chromebooks and Clever Badges setup wizard


Logging in to Chromebooks with Clever Badges is easy, but now we’ve made the setup process for districts administrators easy too. We’ve added a walk-through guide in districts’ Clever dashboard, so they can get up and running with Clever Badges and Chromebooks in no time.


Questions or thoughts on any of the releases? Let us know in the comments below.


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