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Learning applications

It’s the little things: Inviting districts and bulk onboarding for applications

August 30, 2016 Eleanor Dorfman

We often hear that it’s the little things in life that matter most; and this couldn’t be more true than when it comes to Back to School. As we deploy technology for thousands of school districts in such a short timeframe, we’re reminded that both rostering and single sign-on are still a problem for all too many schools. While this is improving as a whole, it’s the little things — like a missing comma here and an added zero there — that bog down deployments and create stress among teams.

We call it “death by a thousand papercuts.” But Clever hopes to change this, little by little. By identifying and solving the little friction points in the implementation process, we hope to create smoother and speedier deployments, while saving application teams minutes here, minutes there, and hours overall.

That’s why we’re excited to release two new actions that aim to solve some of the little things in the district onboarding process: now, applications can invite districts to Clever and can bulk onboard multiple districts at once.

Inviting Districts to Connect on Clever

Every application has a unique onboarding process. Now, apps can email invite districts from within the Clever dashboard and continue to centralize this onboarding process. The result is streamlined messaging that creates transparency between the application and district teams, and removes extra steps from onboarding.

With District Search, applications can:

  • “Invite to Connect” to invite a Clever-enabled district to use their application with Clever
  • “Invite to Clever” to invite a district is not yet Clever enabled to start using the Clever platform with their application.

See how it works in our latest guide Inviting Districts to Connect on Clever.

Bulk Onboarding

For applications who have several districts in the onboarding queue, the Clever team is here to help! Our team can onboard districts in bulk to help ease the Back to School volume. Simply reach out to your Account Manager, who will help match districts and assist in onboarding.

Have a great Back to School!

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