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Clever product updates

August 2016 product notes

August 15, 2016 Cat Kamireddy

This month we went for the gold in our product releases, making sure our users have the latest and greatest as we all get ready for Back to School. Read more about the latest:

Back to School guide returns

Our Back to School guide is back and better than ever! Our guide walks districts through each step they need to take to make sure they’re set up for a successful first day of school. Districts are be able to use the guide in their dashboard as soon as data for their new school year data successfully syncs with Clever.

Applications can invite districts

Districts have always been able to request the applications they want to use with Clever, but now we’ve opened up the process. If an application wants a district to use their software via Clever, they can send an invite to the district through their District Search tool in the dashboard. Applications need to be using Secure Sync to access the feature.

See how it works.

Use Clever with free software trials

We have a new category for districts when they go to add applications—free trials!

Districts can directly request free trials from available applications through Clever to make trial setup easier with Clever Secure Sync and Clever Instant Login. Software training and support will be provided directly from the application.

Login tools for applications—expanded!

Last month, we announced login tools for applications, which included the ability to simulate a student login. Now we’ve expanded the feature for teachers too, so applications can simulate teacher logins as needed, making it even easier for applications and districts to quickly resolve any issues.

Application dashboard improvements

We know it’s is a busy time for districts and applications, so we’re working hard to improve everyone’s Clever experience. This month, we focused on making some adjustments in the application portal, with two main focuses:

Giving applications more insight into requests they get from school districts, which included adding:

  • A notification for any new requests when applications login
  • The ability for apps to to sort and filter their district requests
  • Easy-to-see categories to know whether or not the district currently uses the app

And making operations at applications easier during Back to School by launching:

  • Call outs for approved districts that haven’t yet shared data
  • An updated overview numbers on schools shared, with link to detailed sharing settings
  • “Launch now” functionality when approving a new request
  • Breakdown of district login reporting by authentication method, source, operating system and browser

Updates for district admins

We’ve updated our district administrator portal so it’s similar to the student and teacher experience. Previously, admins only saw applications that supported admin logins, but now they’ll have links for all apps in their district, even if they don’t support Clever Instant Login for admin accounts.


Much more to come next month and excited to kick-off the 2016-17 school year with all of you!

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