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Clever product updates

January product notes

February 4, 2016 Cat Kamireddy

See what we were up to at the beginning of 2016:


Login hints for teachers and students

District admins can now set custom hints for their students and teachers when they’re logging into their Clever portal. We’ve already seen this dramatically decrease login issues for some districts, so we’re excited to roll out this portal feature for everyone.

For students and teachers, it looks a little something like this:


Hints work for any identity provider (Google, ADFS, etc.), and districts can set hints for their users on the Instant Login Settings page in the dashboard—as well as make sure the right support contact is listed for any troubleshooting:


Updated application overview for districts

We’ve given our Application Overview page an update for the district dashboard. Here are a few things that are different:


  1. The Overview page now has a summary of Data Validations, Data Sharing, and Instant Login specific to each application. For more detailed information, districts can click into any tab.
  2. Data validation errors are now at the top of the page, so districts know what needs their immediate attention. These errors were previously only on the Data Warnings page, where districts can still access them.
  3. Downloadable CSVs are now available in the Overview tab.
  4. We’ve included a high-level summary of what data is currently shared with an application.
  5. As well as a more detailed table to check the data at a glance.
  6. Finally, Instant Login for the application is summarized at the bottom, along with new downloadable login instructions customized for each district.


Downloadable login instructions

This past fall, we had both districts and applications asking for login instructions to hand out to teachers and students. We thought it was an awesome idea, so we went ahead and built an automated way to generate those login instructions moving forward.

Districts can click the Download text on the updated overview page for any connected applications and the instructions will immediately download. Note, the application must support Clever Instant Login.


For applications to download instructions, they can click on District Settings under Instant Login from their left-hand Dashboard navigation. From there, Instant Login-enabled districts are available in the dropdown, and apps can immediately download login instructions specific to each district:


If a district doesn’t use the Clever portal, make sure to read below about storing non-Clever portal URLs in the district dashboard to make sure the login instructions are as accurate as possible.

Store non-Clever portal URLs

We want to make it easy to help out all of our Clever districts and sometimes that means getting a little extra intel. For districts that don’t use the Clever portal, they can now let us know in their dashboard on the Instant Login Portal page:


When a district sets their non-Clever portal URL in the dashboard, nothing changes for its users. Instead, it helps out with some back-end things, such as:

  • Helping Clever and connect applications troubleshoot any login issues faster
  • Providing the correct information to applications for any custom district login materials

That’s it for this month! Looking forward to showing you next month what we’re currently cooking up.

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