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Clever product updates

October product notes

October 30, 2015 Cat Kamireddy

Here’s what Clever’s been working on this past month!

Admin SSO: School administrator logins

Students and teachers have always been able to log into their applications using Clever Instant Login, but we wanted to expand that capability to everyone in a school district.

We’ve released Admin SSO so district and school administrators, such as principals, librarians, and on-site IT, can now see all of the applications and links for their district. Even better, they can access the apps through one username and password with Instant Login.

To set it up:

  • Districts can add administrator users with a simple SFTP upload in their Clever dashboard. Learn more about Admin SSO in this Support Center article for school districts.
  • For applications that support administrators or non-instructional staff accounts in their user interface, they can also easily support Admin SSO via Clever Instant Login. Read our documentation for details on setting it up.

Note, both school districts and applications need to support this new type of role in order for Admin SSO to function correctly. Questions? Contact our Support Team at


Share By Rules: An easier way to share data

We’re always looking for ways to improve how districts share data with applications. We want to make the process painless for districts while ensuring only the right data goes to the right applications.

Share by Rules is a new way to help with just that. If you want to share an app with all high school math classes, for example, you can easily set those guidelines for your data. It functions a little different than our existing Share by Section in two ways:

  1. Rules are dynamic. If districts upload new data that meets the set criteria, it will be automatically shared with applications based on the applicable rules.
  2. It’s easier to share large sets of data. Instead of having to select individual boxes, districts can set rules that will apply to multiple roster sections at once.

You can see how it works in this demo:

To share by rules in a district, follow the guide in our Support Center article or contact us at


Login Instructions: One-page Instant Login directions

Want login instructions for teachers and students in your district? It’s now as easy as answering a few questions here, and our team will send a PDF over to you!


Upcoming Webinars

  • November 11 at 1 p.m. EDT / 10 a.m. PDT: Clever has recently partnered up with Stoneware to add some great new functionality to webNetwork’s single sign-on solutions at no additional cost to districts. Register here to learn more about how it works for schools.



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