Welcome to the Clever Champions community!

Help your community and be an edtech leader by sharing your top tips for a chance to be featured in our newsletter!
Take your Champion status to the next level and become a Clever-certified Trainer. The Course includes resources to train teachers in your school.
District Administrators
Sign up for a chance to be recognized and featured in our email and social campaigns by sharing your story.
Exchange best practices with peers and share your story
Take your Champion status to the next level and become a Clever-certified Trainer. The Course includes resources to train teachers in your school.
School Tech Leads
Help your community and be an edtech leader by sharing your top tips for a chance to be featured in our email and social campaigns.
Take your Champion status to the next level and become a Clever-certified Trainer. The Course includes resources to train teachers in your school.
“I became a certified Clever Admin to streamline and enhance our school’s digital learning environment. One of the most exciting aspects of this certification for me was to create an even more seamless integration between all of our third-party applications and to provide a more robust and efficient educational experience for both students and teachers.”

“Become a master at using Clever so that you can teach your students to use it to its full capacity. When you’re more knowledgeable your students are more knowledgeable!”

“Students know when they enter my classroom the first thing they do is go to Clever for anything we may do in class. The accessibility and ease of use is unmatched.”

“My top tip for teachers is to organize your Teacher Page in a way that is conducive to student success by putting most utilized apps first and least towards the end.”

“I became a certified Clever Trainer to support our phased rollout for students and teachers. The slides from the course helped with the training I led for school tech leads, by demonstrating how they can use the troubleshooting login tool and how to access the portal as a user.”

“The first thing I did after becoming a Clever Champion was enable Edtech Analytics. I’ve been working with our curriculum team to use that data to support purchasing, as we are able to see usage for applications that are and aren’t set up through Clever.”

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